quarta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2008

Que você comece 2009 com muiiiita festa...

Que você comece 2009 com muiiiita festa...

terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2008

USCFSales.com Weekly Newsletter, December 31, 2008 - January 6, 2009

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Issue #103
December 31, 2008 - January 6, 2009

Welcome to the USCFSales.com weekly newsletter. You can keep up-to-date with new product releases, read reviews of selected products, and follow the latest news from the U.S. Chess Federation. Plus, try your hand at solving our weekly puzzle. Enjoy!

Here & There
at ChessCafe.com

Roman Dzindzichashvili is certainly a colorful personality, and, as evidenced by his DVD Roman’s Lab: Volume 26, Nimzowitsch’s “My System” Part 1, he can well be called the Yogi Berra of chess. Dzindzi takes a fresh look at Nimzowitsch’s classic, often with informative results. Read the full review here.

Denker vs. Fine
Our Video Spotlight features a video lecture on “the greatest game Arnold Denker ever played.” It is from the 1944 U.S. Championship, where Denker scored +14 -0 =3 to finish one point ahead of the field.

Reference Library
Henry Buckle’s commonplace book testifies to the extensive reading, and large research of its gifted compiler. The Skittles Room this week presents “Buckle’s Chess References,” an excerpt from Waifs and Strays, Chiefly from the Chessboard by Captain Hugh A. Kennedy.

Book Notes

On Susan Polgar’s three-part DVD series Master the French, Susan share her experiences and exciting battles from the first opening she ever learned. With a total running time of more than five hours, she shows you the key to learning the French Defense, the pawn strategies, the tactical motifs and the basic plans.

Our January $9.95 Sale is a great way to experience big savings on some great books. We have no less than nine volumes of Chess Informant discounted more than $26.00 and a dozen other best selling titles all available for just $9.95! Also, be sure to check out our Clearance & One-of-a-Kind items.

Reviews in Brief

Young Marshall: The Early Chess Career of Frank James Marshall with Collected Games 1893-1900
by John S. Hilbert

As the title indicates this is an account of Marshall’s early career. Most of the information was taken from newspapers and other journals. It is incredibly well footnoted and contains much information about other players of that day, as well as additional games, and many illustrations.

It begins with a biographical section that is more accurate than Marshall’s own autobiography and ends with 173 games, played when Marshall was between 16 and 23 years old. Many of them are annotated from sources at that time or by IM Richard Forster. As the author notes, “The story of Marshall’s earliest chess years is a story full of drama, and, above all, struggle. Struggle in the face of setbacks. Struggle in the face of superior players. Struggle in the face of long and hard study.”



Roman’s Lab: Volumes 26, Nimzowitch’s “My System” Part 1 (DVD)
by Roman Dzindzichashvili

As indicated by the DVD cover, “this two-part DVD is based on Nimzowitsch’s book “My System” which is the foundation for modern day progressive positional thinking. Roman will help you understand Nimzowitsch’s ideas and theories while adding 75 years of improvements and changes. So sit back and let Roman explain to you an easy way to understand one of the most popular but difficult to comprehend books ever published." The DVD plays on your TV (or DVD drive).

Dzindzi makes his only on camera appearance in the introduction, where he relates how we still utilize the principles of play outlined by Nimzowitsch. He states, “We still use these principles, but we made some adjustments. I would normally - I normally, not me, just any reasonably strong chess player uses those principles. But what they do, they also, they modifying it. And I’m going to show you, since Nimzowitsch, just how this modifying works and why it’s - we have different criterias where we get - we don’t have different criterias, we just are more flexible. We’re using his ideas in more improved version and these DVDs will explain you, will take you throughout all this evolution of Nimzowitsch’s ideas."

Dzindzi may not be the most articulate presenter, but he is a colorful personality, and you have to accept this in order to enjoy his DVDs. Dzindzi does not really explain Nimzowitsch's ideas and theories, but rather takes a fresh look at some of the same positions, often with informative results.


New Catalog Additions

12/31: January $9.95 Sale
12/24: Kaissiber 33
12/16: ChessBase Magazine #127 (DVD)
12/14: Power Play 8: Knights and Bishops (DVD)
12/13: New In Chess Magazine, 2008/8
12/12: Mega Database 2009 (DVD)
12/12: Big Database 2009 (DVD)
12/6: 606 Puzzles for Chess Nuts
12/5: Susan Polgar’s Winning Chess the Easy Way, Vols. 11-13, Master the French (3 DVDs)
12/5: Susan Polgar’s Winning Chess the Easy Way, Vol. 13, Master the French, Part 3 (DVD)
12/5: Susan Polgar’s Winning Chess the Easy Way, Vol. 12, Master the French, Part 2 (DVD)
12/5: Susan Polgar’s Winning Chess the Easy Way, Vol. 11, Master the French, Part 1 (DVD)
12/1: December Competition Special
12/1: December Scholastic Special

Weekly Puzzle


Quote of the Week

White to Move/Solution Below


The master sweeps all aphorisms aside.

Dale Smith,
The Tao of the Chessboard

Monthly Specials December 2008

For the December Competition Special, we are pleased to offer How to Think in Chess by Jan Przewoznik & Marek Soszynski for the incredible USCF member price of $9.95! - a savings of $15.00!

How to Think in Chess is the rare book that explains in clear terms the techniques chess masters use to find their moves.

For the December Scholastic Special, we are pleased to offer a super magnetic travel set for the incredible USCF member price of $3.95!

The Little Button Magnetic Set has squares that are 5/8” on a side and it opens to 5-1/8” x 5-5/8”. The pieces are much like rounded plastic discs with magnets. Everything is housed in a sturdy plastic case which is 3” x 5-1/8” closed.

These Specials of the Month are good from December 1 - December 31, 2008. Orders may be placed online, by mail or by phone. These Specials of the Month may be withdrawn at any time and are good only while supplies last.

New at Chess Life Online

Check out photos by WIM Alexey Root from the opening ceremony of the Pan-American Championships (Dallas, Texas, Dec. 27-30). See game highlights, standings after round 1, and complete team rosters. Also, Iryna Zenyuk, Marc Esserman and Daniel Rensch all earned IM norms in the Berkeley International + WGM for Zenyuk.

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Puzzle Answer: 15.Qxe6! 1-0 Ansell-Garcia Ortega Mendez, Kallithea 2008 (Source: ChessBase Magazine #127)

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Reflexões sobre a vida são comuns nesta época, afinal de contas, um novo ano esta para se iniciar. Aqui no portal acreditamos que "pensar" sobre os principais acontecimentos que influenciaram a sua carreira deveria ser algo comum para quem deseja progredir como educador físico.

Nas escolas houve a implantação de uma lei que irá diminuir as aulas de EF, pois agora existe a obrigatoriedade de se incluir na grade curricular as aulas de Filosofia e Sociologia leia as noticias "Lei prevê redução de aulas de EF escolar" e "Aulas de EF escolar começam a ser cancelados por causa de lei" nos esportes tivemos quebras de recordes e de paradigmas sobre o tipo de físico de atletas para algumas modalidades esportivas só para rever um exemplo leia "Estudo sobre a velocidade de Usain Bolt". Nas academias algumas novidades estão criando força e provavelmente se tornarão tendências a serem seguidas como, por exemplo, o treinamento funcional leia "Treinamento funcional: você é o que você treina" e na saúde muitas descobertas e confirmações, todas merecendo uma pesquisa mais detalhada em nosso portal. Portanto, aproveite as férias e busque entender o presente para melhorar o seu futuro.

Boa semana a todos e até o próximo ano. Continuem com gente!
    Ano V • Edição 195 • 29/12/2008 

Manual de Musculação
Por R$ 88,95

Biomecânica Aplicada
Por R$ 95,95

Zinedine Zidane
Por R$ 45,00

Fisiologia do Esporte e do Exercício
Por R$ 269,95

Exercícios Terapêuticos - Fundamentos e Técnicas
Por R$ 179,95
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  26/12/2008 - Pilates aumenta o rendimento das corridas, avalia especialista  
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  26/12/2008 - Hipertrofia x Inflamação  
  26/12/2008 - Cartilha esclarece dúvidas sobre a Lei do Estágio  
  15/12/2008 - Diferença entre Trote e Corrida  
  14/08/2007 - Caminhada e Corrida na esteira, um ótima opção para o Personal Training  
  17/04/2007 - A importância da boa postura na corrida  
  06/03/2007 - Genética queniana = Corridas de fundo  
  Lazer e Recreação - Almanaque de Brincadeiras  
  Educação Física Escolar - Educação Física Escolar e a inclusão social: novas perspectivas para a Educação  
  Educação Física Escolar - O Circo vai à Escola: possibilidades de utilizar atividades circenses nas aulas de Educação Física  
  Suplementação - Suplementos Dietéticos e Desempenho Esportivo  
  Avaliação - Teste da Corrida de 20 metros  
  Pilat-es-paço - Um 2009 de cabeça erguida, literalmente!  
  Terapias Aquáticas - Adultos podem deixar 0,14 gramas de fezes na piscina.  
  Dentro d' água - Encerrando 2008  
Professor de Musculação
3 vaga(s)

Estado: SP
Profissional de Academia
3 vaga(s)

Estado: SP
Instrutor de Yoga
1 vaga(s)

Estado: SP
Instrutor de Yoga
1 vaga(s)

Estado: SP
4 vaga(s)

Estado: SP
Exercícios de Pilates para escoliose
Centro de Ginástica Postural Angélica - São Paulo/SP
I Curso Internacional sobre Manuseio do Edema e Linfedema na Reabilitação dos Membros Inferiores
Auditório do HMC - São Paulo/SP
22/01/2009 à 24/01/2009
Korfebol: Conhecendo a modalidade na escola
Central de Cursos Phorte Editora - São Paulo/SP
Psicologia do Esporte e do Exercício
Faculdade Estácio de Sá de Santa Catarina - SC
02/02/2009 à 28/02/2009
24º Congresso Internacional de Educação Física - FIEP 2009
Foz do Iguaçu / PR
10/01/2009 à 14/01/2009
V Seminário de Ética do CONFEF
Foz do Iguaçu / PR
11/01/2009 à 13/01/2009
CT Esportivo - Centro de Treinamento Esportivo
São Paulo / SP
24/01/2009 à 31/01/2009
Goiânia Capital Fitness 2009 - 6ª Convenção Saúde Sport Fitness
Goiânia / GO
26/03/2009 à 29/03/2009
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sexta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2008

Jornal Saúde 26/12/2008

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